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User Research

The second step in the design process was to conduct market research and gather data on the target audience’s preferences, behaviour, and needs. The research was conducted through surveys.I decided to perform the user survey to gain quantitative data on how users use e-commerce stores to make purchases and the struggles many share. 5 users who are between the age bracket of 18–25 participated in my user survey.

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Survey Findings

Usage - Almost 80% of the respondents reported that they use a shoe e-commerce app to buy shoes. Among those, 20% said that they use these apps frequently, while 20% reported using them occasionally. The remaining 60% said that they have used a shoe e-commerce app in the past, but they don't use them anymore.

Factors influencing - The most important factor for users in choosing a shoe e-commerce app was the availability of discounts and offers. Around 80% of respondents reported that they prefer an app that offers good discounts and deals. Other important factors included a wide range of shoe options, user-friendly interface, and fast delivery.

Preferred Payment Methods - Regarding payment methods, 60% of respondents reported that they preferred using credit/debit cards. Around 40% opted for cash/Transfer on delivery, while only 0% preferred paying through digital wallets like Apple Pay or Google Pay

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